Business Growth Plan

We Help You Develop Long-Term Growth Plan & Profit Strategies For Your Business

Strategically Grow & Scale from 7 to multiple 8 figures

Our firm distinguishes itself with a unique approach and philosophy, setting us apart from traditional accounting and consulting firms.

Our comprehensive business assessment offers valuable insights into your company’s goals, facilitating smart and strategic growth. By conducting a SWOT analysis, we uncover your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, providing a clear understanding of its current position.

The results of this assessment highlight key areas for your strategic plan, functioning like an MRI for your business. Additionally, it enables you to benchmark your performance against competitors.

About the Instructor

Donna Febus is a entrepreneur and the Founder of Integrity Business Advisors, a Profitability and Growth Advisory firm servicing Construction, and Small Service Based Business Clients across the United States, and Canada. Donna’s career encompasses 30 years in the accounting industry. She’s experienced in traditional accounting, managing daily operations, building cohesive healthy working environments, implementing structured processes to support the foundations of growing businesses, corporate controllership, and advisory. 

After implementing her own unique approach to increasing profitability for small businesses, her first year in business, she increased her own net profits by 647%!  She’s convinced that her process works and can be applied to every small and medium sized business. The experience ignited a new passion to serve her clients at a higher level through coaching and advisory.

Now, she is a Profitability Advisor and Business Coach to her hand-picked clients, providing them with the C.C.P.O. method to take their business to the next level, leads others out of cayuse to become highly functioning business owners who Effortlessly Achieve Full Clarity & Confidence in Maximizing Profits. 

Product Offer: Business Master Course

11 Comprehensive Modules + 4 Bonus Modules

  1. Business Assessment
    • Performing a comprehensive business assessment to identify opportunities for growth.
  2. Planning & Implementation (6 Modules)
    • 3-Year Outlook: Define what success looks like at the end of 3 years.
    • 3-Year Goal Statement: Set clear goals for your business over the next 3 years.
    • 12-Month Roadmap: Create a detailed action plan for the next 12 months.
    • Owner’s Blueprint: Identify key milestones and objectives specific to the business owner.
    • Business Blueprint: Define milestones and objectives for the business itself.
    • Action Plan Development: Create and formalize a strategic plan aimed at achieving your objectives and milestones.
  3. Understanding Financial Statements (2 Modules)
    • Profit & Loss Statement: Learn how to read and analyze your profit and loss statement.
    • Balance Sheet: Understand how to interpret your balance sheet for better financial insights.
  4. Cashflow, Budgeting & Financial Health (1 Module)
    • Daily Cashflow Forecasting: Master cashflow management with daily forecasting techniques.
    • Advanced Cashflow Forecasting: Dive deeper into more advanced cashflow forecasting strategies.
    • Markup & Margin: Understand the differences between markup and margin to improve pricing strategies.
    • Budgeting: Learn how to create a budget and compare actual results against it.
    • Next Year’s Budget: Use your current budget to plan for the following year.
  5. Risk Mitigation (1 Module)
    • Creating a Culture of Honesty: Foster a transparent and ethical work environment.
    • Fraud Prevention: Learn how to eliminate opportunities for fraud.
    • Engagement & Involvement: Understand the importance of staying engaged and asking critical questions.
  1. Belief Shifting
  2. Managing Cash Flow
  3. 4 Ways to Grow Your Business
  4. Essential Expert Interviews:
    • Mindset Mastery with Ken Hatcher
    • Mike Temple on Culture
    • Ann Holm on Temperament & Staff Development

Our Value Proposition

Asking those tough questions that are imperative to know the answers to in order to develop a plan to take your business to the next level.

If you do not have a structured plan you can’t know where you are trying to get to because you don’t know where your at. If you don’t know where your at, you do not know where to start and how to bridge the gap between where you are today vs. where you want to be.

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

  1. A business assessment summarizes your immediate thoughts towards the present and future of your business and personal wants.
  2. Planning is an essential part of running a successful multi-million dollar company. Knowing your plan, means you can identify milestones and objectives you can achieve that will get you to the goal.
    • Learn how to set a proper 3 year goal.
    • Learn how to develop a 12-month plan
    • Learn how to create action steps to support reaching identified milestones and objectives.
    • Learn how to (and have the ability to) define a timeline, create detailed deliverables, delegate, and hold staff accountable.
  3. Financial statement reports are snap shots in time which guide you to make timely educated, and important decisions that support your business. Without current financial information obtained from your financial reports, you lack the ability to make intelligent decisions which can be costly. Knowing where your business is financially takes the guess work out of the equation.
    • Learn the basic comprehension of financial statements and how you use them to your advantage.
  4. Using cash forecasting is a great tool, helpful at any time, to know your cash needs in a given period of time.” 
    • Avoid over drafting your bank account,

      Be informed daily or monthly of how much cash is coming in and how much is flowing out enables you to plan for upcoming expenses and payments such as the rent, loans, payroll, etc.

  1. Budgeting is a proactive approach to managing cash.
    • Getting in front of potential cash shortages allows you to plan ahead of time.
    • Using a budget can guide you on hitting gross profit and net profit goals. Making adjustments and planning for new or lost revenues, price increases, hiring more staff, reducing COGS/COS and expenses to achieve the desired net profit.
    • Accurately calculate markup and margin. #1 error contractors make in their business is incorrectly calculating pricing on goods and services.
    • Proactively address changes needed such as an increase in expected revenues, over-spending, identify gross profit margin increase or decreases, identify net income or loss, etc. By knowing in real time what your cash position is and how the business is performing, you can proactively take steps to stay on track & dig deep into the details to correct inefficiencies and finish the year strong.
    • (This is in comparison to finding out at the end of the year that your pricing structure was calculated wrong, sales were down, expenses were up, cost of materials went up, ending up with a net loss).
  2. The 5 Pillars of Financial Health guides you to an in-depth understanding of how healthy the business is financially.

    • Understand the efficiency of how your business is functioning and how it relates to your profitability.
    • The 5 pillars guide you to make decisions to maximize your profitability.
  1. Mitigating risk is an absolute. In the many forms of fraud that exist, examine ways to create a culture of honesty and how you can eliminate risk. Knowing the areas in your business where you are vulnerable enables you to implement structures and procedures which will reduce your exposure. Understand how internal controls like segregation of duties can protect you from fraud such as embezzlement and theft of small and attractive assets (and other forms of fraud).
    • Understand the importance of hiring honest people, and creating a positive work environment. Hiring the right people and providing a positive work environment support your organizational culture and reduces risk of fraud.
    • Systems and processes that support internal controls create efficiencies and checkpoints to keep people honest and accountable.
    • Learning what you don’t know increases the success of your business and will help you to create more efficiencies to maximize profitability. Spot problem areas before they get to out of control.

Bonus – Learn how your mindset affects your performance and ways to improve it. Using a morning formula to start your day off right is key in your daily attitude and performance. Watch your positive can do attitude soar to new levels when you have a written measurable action plan to direct your steps, check them off as you complete them and experience the results of your hard work.
Bonus – Managing Cash Flow is achieved in many ways. No business ever shrank its way to greatness

  • Learn why cutting costs may not be the best way to increase positive cash flow.
  • Learn methods to improve cash flow – cutting costs and their affect on the business.
  • Learn how to accelerate cash coming in (cash-inflows)
  • Learn methods on deferring cash outflows.
  • Learn how to even out the cash flow to the peaks and valleys.

Bonus – The 4 Ways To Grow Your Business.

  • Learn the 4 ways to grow your business.
  • Learn how to increase the number of customers you want to have and the type of customers you want.
  • Learn how to increase the number of times a customer returns.
  • Learn how to increase the average value of each sale.
  • Learn how to increase the effectiveness of each process within the business.

Bonus – Essential Expert Interviews
Bonus training from industry experts focused to bring perspective on your company culture communication styles with staff and development, and how to work through fears and obstacles holding you back from taking the next step forward in your business.

Proven framework & strategy

The framework supports structured business operations and enhances systems and processes, to make
a significant difference to profitability and ease of operations. Relieves cayuse and gives you back the
feeling of being in control of your circumstances.
Our Clarity, Confidence, Operations, and Profitability Program (C.C.P.O.) is professionally recorded, easy to follow, is structured and detailed in its presentation of materials. Within the program, easy to use worksheets, PDFs and Power Point Presentations; applicable to any industry, are offered to support clients as they journey through the C.C.P.O. Program.
You will have complete Clarity, and Confidence, in where you are currently and how you are going to get to where you want to be in your business when you follow the program. Our Programs are like having a non-equity financial partner helping you run the financial side of your business.

Benefits of the Program

By conducting a business assessment, you’ll begin to ignite your creativity and refine your vision. This high-level overview helps you outline your desired outcomes, serving as the foundation for your strategic planning.

As you move through the planning modules, you’ll see how the assessment aligns with your strategic goals, allowing you to dive deeper into where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there.

You’ll gain clarity on what you truly want for your business’s future, and define the steps necessary to achieve it.

Additionally, you’ll have a clear roadmap to transition from the role of a business owner to that of a true CEO, freeing you from the day-to-day grind and empowering you to focus on growth.

With this newfound clarity, you’ll build confidence in your ability to achieve your goals.

Achieving financial stability will bring peace of mind, allowing you to provide for your family without worrying about meeting payroll or covering expenses. You’ll also be in a position to give back to your local community and support causes that matter to you.

This program will enable you to offer stable employment and valuable benefits to others, while also reclaiming personal time to enjoy life’s most important moments—whether it’s attending your children’s soccer games or being more present with your family.

Finally, you’ll achieve financial security, knowing you’re building a successful company that can fund your retirement, be sold, or leave a lasting legacy for your children.

With crystal-clear clarity and confidence, you’ll know exactly what steps to take next to achieve your goals—both in business and in life.

The framework supports structured business operations and enhances systems and processes, to make a significant difference to profitability and ease of operations. Relieves cayuse and gives you back the feeling of being in control of your circumstances.

Facilitates/supports transitioning from working in your business to on your business.

The foundation and framework steps to position you to rapidly scale your impact while minimizing input into your business

Collect Tips, Tricks and master Accountability to hit your goals. (accountability group/1:1)

Bust through your business challenges, roadblocks, and the struggles holding you back from taking your business to the next level.

Eradicate your entrepreneurial poverty

No longer operate in disorganization and feelings of cayuse.

Kill the financial pain points

Following this program will give you crystal clear clarity on what you want/need to change to take your business to the next level.

12 Month Program – Weekly group Q & A Masterclass Sessions focusing on pushing past the daily obstacles in your business. This is the opportunity to being forward real time obstacles to push past them, get resolution and discuss your ongoing plan. Create, & build friendships, and learn from peers in the industry. Email and IM support giving you access to an advisor at all times.

1:1 Advisory – Monthly advisory sessions intimately focused on your business & personal successes and the appropriate next steps to work on, to move forward.

1:1 advisory offers an additional financial piece to support your journey. As part of monthly 1:1 sessions, we also focus on your finances; such as budget projections, profit margins, forecasting and more. Your personal, business and financial goals are wrapped up into one complete package to support you.

Additionally, you enjoy access to the 12 Month Program materials and weekly masterclass sessions. Email and IM support giving you access to an advisor at all times.

Non-Negotiable Requirements of our Programs:

Success using our unique process is 100% dependent on what you put into it.
You are the responsible party for achieving success, not us.
If you are expecting someone to do the work for you, this program is not for you.
Our programs are an investment in you and your business. Not just a monetary investment, but an investment in time.
You much be teachable and ok with being held accountable for meeting your milestones and objectives.
This program isn’t for the faint at heart. It is an absolute must to implement what you create and learn.
Anyone can create a plan. It takes focus, tenacity, dedication, and hard work to make the desired changes needed to take your business to the next level.

Price and Terms

Non-Negotiable Requirements of our Programs:

Success using our unique process is 100% dependent on what you put into it. You are the responsible party for achieving success, not us.
If you are expecting someone to do the work for you, this program is not for you. Our programs are an investment in you and your business. Not just a monetary investment, but an investment in time.

You much be teachable and ok with being held accountable for meeting your milestones and objectives. This program isn’t for the faint at heart. It is an absolute must to implement what you create and learn. Anyone can create a plan. It takes focus, tenacity, dedication, and hard work to make the desired changes needed to take your business to the next level.

Value Price = DIY $2500 flat rate

Value Price = 90-day group – $7500 flat rate

Value Price = 1:1 – $10,000 monthly 

DIY beta offer $999

The retail price on the DIY is only $2500 but we are so insanely excited about this new launch, we have cut our price by 60%. That’s a savings of $1501!

90-day beta offer $3500

The retail price on the 90-day group program is only $7500 but we are so insanely excited about this new launch, we have cut our price by 50%. That’s a savings of $3500!


Proprietary method

Our unique C.C.P.O. method is: starting with the end in mind by reverse engineering your plan. Understanding where you want to be, enables you to bridge the gap between the two points; where you are now and where you want to be. Reverse engineering allows for easily developing objectives, milestones, and actionable steps necessary to make a significant difference to your income, ease of operations and often increase the value of the business.