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Happiness & Quality Of Life

Do you consider your QOL in your decision making?

I can always tell when interacting with people where they are at in their lives based on how they treat me.

Whether I’m working with a business owner or checking out at the grocery store, I can sense where they may be at in their process of seeking true purpose and joy. ️

I believe we as human beings are seeking a purpose, our “why” for what we are doing here.

Is it simply to come into the world, finish grade school, get a job, work for 50 years for a company who could careless, retire and die?

No! Our purpose is much more. Many of us go through life a bit lost. We have a deep hole that we don’t know how to fill or what to fill it with. are we missing career fulfillment? Are we missing true love?️

We feel angry, stressed, and have no idea why in the world we feel this way!

Many unfortunately go through life never experiencing true happiness, peace, and purpose.

It took me 46 years to figure it out.

So my recent journey took me to a place in my heart I had truly never lived.

The New Journey:
I was working for myself and getting by. Then one day, I received a call. “Hey, Donna, we need help with transitioning our Controller. We are losing ours and need an interim Controller to run the Accounting department. Can you help us?”

I was like YES, I’d love too! Someone needs me! I was needed!
It was a chance to serve God and help someone in need. Well, I ended up loving the job and ultimately was offered a permanent position. I was so excited!

For the first couple of years, I was happy and felt needed, and as if I had a purpose. I really loved my boss. I had an amazing team, etc. I was making lots of money!

But then true reality showed up. Outside department antics, extreme disrespect, harassment, and vicious attacks from employees and upper management in HR (of all departments), started happening.

They decided they didn’t like me or the structure and accountability I was implementing. They did not want to do their job correctly. They were Against change. I took about 18 months of this none sense before it just extinguished any Love I had for the job.

When I took the job, I truly felt that I would be there for the remaining years in my career but my quality of Life Was being reduced to nothing.
You see, I had lost my purpose.

I was getting sick due to stress, etc. I knew it was time to end that chapter of my life. My work there was done.

Almost a year ago, I took a leap of faith and struck out on my own again. I left the 9-5, walked away from the 6-figure income, and took back my life!

I found “my why”, my purpose and calling in this life! I felt the deep-down peace of God he promises to each of us.

I felt called to what I’m now doing in serving others. I feel that I once again have a purpose! Such an amazing blessing.

My message to you:
If you are seeking to experience a fulfilling life, ask yourself internal heart-healthy questions before making big decisions.

  • Ask yourself, will this or does this bring me happiness or stress/pain
  • Will it bring joy to my heart
  • Does this decision meet my ethical beliefs and values or will it compromise those beliefs and make me feel awkward
  • Will it make me feel more complete inside

Employ actively seeking answers to questions such as this. It will help lead you to a more enriched life of purpose.

If you are struggling, put your pride aside and ask for help. Get a mentor, an advisor, someone who specializes or is educated in the field of what you need. Hire them, allow them to do what they do best so you can be your best you.

Surround yourself with people who will lift you up, support you, value and respect you. They will help you climb those mountains and bring life to your business and life️.