Internal Struggles

Every one of us has something we personally fight within our lifetime.
When it affects our work or self-improvement such as building a business or furthering your education, we refer to this as self-limiting beliefs.
We all have them! You are not alone! I had such a revelation about this last fall while attending a symposium.
Day one, I was very nervous, anxious, feeling depressed because I was struggling to find warm leads and meeting others.
I assumed (there’s that word – we all know this is an abbreviation for “when we assume, we make an ass out of you and me.” Boy was I wrong.
Before we were through the first day, it was revealed and proven to me, that every single solitary person sitting amongst me was having the same thoughts and feelings.
This was so big for me! It allowed me to remove the thought that I was incapable, not good enough, stupid, undeserving, you need to give up and head back to corporate life, you are a FAILING!
Understand something… this is not a word in my vocabulary! I have never failed at anything I’ve ever done and I wasn’t about to start.
Although it was troubling to know others were feeling and working through the same things, it was also a relief. Because I am not stupid. I am normal!
I came home from that fantastic week of learning and connecting to those people who are now my friends- with a new fire inside. This experience lit me up!
I had new hope, and although I prayed unceasingly day after day, I believe God used that conference to speak to me. To not give up. Reignite the fire within you!
I knew I had to keep pushing forward! I had to make it work! My heart and dream were not being the Controller of a $70 mil corporation. My heart is with you. ️ The small business owner.
Bringing to others, answers to business struggles, overcoming hurdles, clarifying the what, how and why’s each of us needs for achieving success. Bringing solid business practices, structure, and showing you the way forward.
Making my life about me, my family and what brings me happiness, quality of life, and enjoyment while I live my 100 years on this planet.
Using my education, experiences, years of on the job learning and leadership skills, to serve you. This is what lights me up!
So much peace and love come to me when I am given the gift of being part of helping another person.
So when I ask, what is your dream? if you could do anything you want to in this life, how and what would you say?
How do you want to spend your years on this planet?
What do you want to accomplish? What are your aspirations?
What would bring you overwhelming internal happiness?
I’m living my dream, are you?